Where to start? HTML very basics!

So far, I have found out many things relating to web design. However I am here to start from the very beginning.


What is HTML?

Right, so HTML from what Ive read is called a markup language. Meaning it consists of a vast array of tags and commands which will display information of various sorts in a number of different styles or formats. This is a very basic description of what it actually is. However, since im a complete newbie to all this, its a good start for me to even know this much!

My first blank page

So I opened up Dreamweaver to my first blank HTML page. Looking at the guide im using, this is what I start with. The basics of the HTML tag to describe the document. The Body tag to allow some structure of the page and the H1 tag I believe is for headings. 

<!DOCTYPE html>

<h1>My First Heading</h1>

<p>My first paragraph.</p>


Once I had put this into Dreamweaver, I then saved it as a .html document and opened it up in my chosen website browser to see what I had done and if it was correct. It was.

This was my first absolute piece of HTML code. Even though it was barely a ‘page’ and was just 6 words. It was enough to allow me to see some success already! My next step in this long drawn out process is to start adding color, and arrange text in different manners. Learn about how to align stuff and make it look correct and proper!


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